Aramid Gland Packing

Style 174 / 174G

Style 174 / 174G

Style 174 / 174G


High grade asbestos fibre yarn DUPLEX BRAIDED packing impregnated with special PTFE suspensoid for severe caustic and other corrosive chemical, solvents, oils and petroleum byproducts and oxygen service. PH 2 - 12.


• Improved heat dissipation and lower friction.

• High density tenacious packing to combat slurries and solids and application involving fire safety.

• Improved chemical resistance.

• Performs on all common Paper & Pulp equipments.


This packing is recommended for solvents, mild acids and alkalies, fuel oil, digester pumps, food, pharmaceuticals, petro-chemicals, pulp and paper industries. A good packing for high pressure dozing pump and high pressure water injection system. The rings made out of this packing are recommended to use as BACK-UP rings (anti-extrusion rings) with other types of soft packings especially where high pressure is involved.

Technical Data

Property Value
Minimum Temperature -240 ºC
Maximum Temperature 260 ºC
Pressure (Bar) Static 250
Pressure (Bar) Reciprocating 300
Pressure (Bar) Rotatory 100
Speed Mtr/S Static 0.5
Speed Mtr/S Reciprocating 2
Speed Mtr/S Rotatory 15
pH 2-12