E Glass Fiber Packing
E Glass Fiber Packing
Glass, Ceramic, Silica, Quartz, Alumina and Zirconia are some of the modern high temperature sealing and refractory insulation materials; available in various forms. They bear excellent thermal stability, oxidation and melting resistance and very low heat conductivity. They are versatile choice for use on industrial sealing applications in addition to thermal insulation. SPITMAAN can offer all these packings / fabrics, to meet the application demand. Our standard range, how ever, includes glass, ceramic and silica fiber packings, fabrics and gaskets either single or in the hybrid variants, suitably coated / dispersed to enhance operating performance.

Style 162 G/164 P

Style 161 I
E Glass Fiber Packing
Glass, Ceramic, Silica, Quartz, Alumina and Zirconia are some of the modern high temperature sealing and refractory insulation materials; available in various forms. They bear excellent thermal stability, oxidation and melting resistance and very low heat conductivity. They are versatile choice for use on industrial sealing applications in addition to thermal insulation. SPITMAAN can offer all these packings / fabrics, to meet the application demand. Our standard range, how ever, includes glass, ceramic and silica fiber packings, fabrics and gaskets either single or in the hybrid variants, suitably coated / dispersed to enhance operating performance.